The Psychological and Counseling Support has as mission the provision of psychological and counseling support services and the prevention of mental health problems of the members of the university community, and in particular the students of first, second and third cycle study programs, according to article 128 of the law 4957/2022 and the article 62 (par. 1) of the Institution’s Internal Regulation.
The Center operates under the supervision of the Administration of the University of Patras and the scientific supervision is carried out by the Five-Member Scientific Committee consisting of academic staff with related subjects.

How did the Psychological and Counseling Support Center begin?
In 2009, the Special Office for the Provision of Health Consultative Services of the University of Patras was established (Rector’s Council meeting 914/6-5-2009) pursuant to article 16, paragraph 2, subsection B of Presidential Decree 63/1999. The office was open every Friday with the presence of a Psychiatrist and a Psychologist. Its main purposes were the Diagnostic evaluation of mental disorders, the therapeutic intervention and the provision of psychosocial support.
In 2018 in the context of the Action “Supporting social care interventions for students of the University of Patras” ΜΙS 5045934 which was joined at the B.P. «Human Resource Development, Education and Lifelong Learning» with number 2859/24-5-2018 and according to the number 128/19-12-2017 senate’s of the University of Patras decision for the validation of the participation of the University of Patras in the invitation the operation of the Psychological Support Office of the University of Patras is regulated. The Psychological Support Office was addressed to the students, mainly those from Vulnerable Social Groups of all the Departments of the University of Patras, who faced personal difficulties and concerns of any kind. It provided counselling, psychosocial and psychological support. The office was supported by a total of 4 Social Workers and 4 Psychologists. The impact of the services in the University Community was great and highlighted the necessity to promote mental health through an organized University Structure.
In 2022 according to the article 128 of the law 4957/2022 and the article 62 (par. 1) of the Institution’s Internal Regulation and taking into account the number 224/26.10.2023 desicion of the senate, the Psychological and Counseling Support Center has been established. The Center’ s mission is the provision of psychological and counseling support services, the prevention of mental health problems of the university community members, but also the of task raising awareness on mental health issues. The goal of Center is the personal well-being and optimal functioning of people during their studies or work at the University of Patras. The Center is staffed by psychologists and social workers.
The services provided are protected by privacy and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).