Contact details of the Center’s staff
Full Name | Phone number | Specialty | |
Anastasopoulos Konstantinos | 2610.962137 | | Psychologist |
Iliopoulou – Panagopoulou Anna – Eugenia | 2610.962190 | | Social Worker |
Ioannou Nikolaos | 2610.962138 | | Psychologist |
Kollyrou Maria | 2610.962118 | | Social Worker |
Militsopoulou Chrysanthi | 2610.969633 | | Computer and Informatics Engineer |
Panoriou Christina | 2610.962115 | | Administrative employee |
Tsokana Nikolia | 2610.962117 | | Social Worker |
Fertaki Antonia | 2610.962116 | | Social Worker |

Brief resumes of Center staff
Anastasopoulos Konstantinos
Konstantinos Anastasopoulos studied at the Psychology department of Panteion University. He followed postgraduate studies in clinical psychology and psychopathology (Université Bordeaux II – Victor Segalen) and in psychoanalysis (Université Paris V – René Descartes). He is a PhD candidate in clinical psychology at the Sorbonne University Paris Nord/National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
Iliopoulou Eugenia
Social Worker
Graduate of the Department of Social Work and the Department of Educational Sciences and Social Work of University of Patras, with postgraduate studies in “Health Education” of the Departments of Educational Sciences and Social Work, Medicine & Speech Therapy. She also has a certificate in “Special Education” from the University of Patras She has worked in Primary Education schools and in a Care Unit for the Elderly.
Kollyrou Maria
Maria Kollyrou is a Psychologist, she graduated from the Department of Psychology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens with postgraduate studies in “Addiction Treatment and Dependency” of the Department of Medicine of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She is attending the Postgraduate Program “Applied Developmental Psychology” and is completing her training in Systemic Psychotherapy. She has worked as a psychologist in educational settings and in intervention centers for neurodevelopmental and psychoemotional difficulties.
Militsopoulou Chrysanthi
Computer and Informatics Engineer
Graduate of the Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics and holder of a Master’s degree specializing in the personalization of search engines. He has worked since 2009 in the field of design and development of websites and online applications with a focus on accessibility and
usability principles. From 2020 to 2023 she had been working at the Action “Support Social Care Interventions of Students of the University of Patras” with her main responsibilities being the development and update of the program’s website, the conversion of the University’s websites and applications into accessible ones, the provision of technical support and the outreach of the program .
Panoriou Christina
Administrative employee
Graduate of the Department of Philosophy of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences with postgraduate studies in “Higher Education Policy: Theory and Praxis” from the Primary Education Department of the University of Patras. She attends the Specialization Program in Counselling and Guidance of the Higher School of Educational and Technological Education and has completed training in Special Education and Social Care – Counselling Psychology of Students with Special Needs from the University of Patras. Since 2015, she has been working at the University of Patras as an administrative employee (Directorate of Student Welfare of the University of Patras, former Social Welfare, now Psychological Counselling Support Center).
Tsokana Nikolia
Social Worker
Graduate of the Department of Social Work of Patras and the Department of Social and Educational Policy of Peloponnese with postgraduate studies in Educational Sciences from the Department of Educational Sciences and Social Work of the University of Patras. She is a graduate of the Specialization Program in Counselling and Guidance of the Higher School of Educational and Technological Education and has completed training in Special Education and Mental Health Promotion in the School Environment from the University of Western Attica, in Autism: Understanding, Education and Intervention and in Social Care – Counselling Psychology for Students with Special Needs from the University of Patras. Since 2018, she has been working at the University of Patras with the main subject of Counselling Support for students (former Social Care, now Center for Psychological and Counselling Support Center.
Fertaki Antonia
Social Worker
Graduate of the Department of Social Work of Patras with postgraduate studies in “European Social Policy” from the Department of Social and Educational Policy of the University of Peloponnese. She has completed trainings in Learning Difficulties and Social Adjustment Difficulties from the National and Kapodistrian University and in Social Care – Counselling Psychology of Students with Special Needs from the University of Patras. From 2013 till 2018 she worked in Municipal Organizations for support and counselling of vulnerable social groups and since then she has been working at the University of Patras mainly at the center of Counselling Support for students (former Social Care, now Psychological and Counselling Support Center).